Monday, October 11, 2010


Ten years ago blogging was still in infancy. But as time went on more people got on board and signed up for a free blog page. It has always been easy to do. Unfortunately the easy part is starting a blog. And the hard part is keeping it going.
This blog is hosted by Blogger, a free hosting service that let's you select your own URL in the "-----" format. But you can't always get the one you want because the URLs are given out on a first-come first-served basis.
At some point in the beginning of the Web 2.0 movement some people thought that if they signed up for a particular URL and somebody wanted it later they could sell it. So most common words and names and phrases were scooped up as placeholders (like or or And if you wanted the URL too bad. Out of luck. Not available. Not for free and not for purchase.
I expect blogger to clean up all the pages with fewer than one post in the last five years. But maybe they won't. After all if there are no posts to host it takes up no storage space.
The other problems about blogging that makes people give up is that they either don't think anyone is reading it because they never get followers or comments or they can't figure out how to make money off it. The solution to the first problem is to only post relevant pictures, video, links and ideas that someone would want to read. And keep posting so they want to keep coming back. The solution to the monetization problem can also be easy to solve by adding advertisements and signing up for affiliate programs. Some pay by pageviews and some pay for clicks and purchases. But either way if your blog isn't interesting enough for your readers to keep coming back, you'll never make any money.
That's the reason I have ads on this blog. And hopefully I will occasionally write something interesting enough to keep you coming back and maybe even clicking on the ads.

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